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Handy Point

Jun 24, 2019

Alan Richardson seems to be on borrowed time, the goal review system exposed, the best commentators revealed and all the MRG news in this week's Handy Point.

Jun 18, 2019

Some "resolved" and some not so resolved issues emerging from this week's football, such as just how far off the mark is the AFL with their stance on game day security, why is Jeff Kennett not being sanctioned for his bigoted remarks?, is Horse Longmire worth more than the best player in the competition and how...

Jun 11, 2019

The police state style crackdown on umpire abuse ramps up a notch, the state of gambling, Longmire linked to the North coaching job and just how good are Geelong?

Jun 4, 2019

OMG!111!!11oneone! Brendan Bolton got sacked. Here’s your hack’s guide through navigating this complicated news.